Scrutinizing Propaganda

“Abu A’la Muadudi was against Pakistan and called Quaid e Azam as Kafir e Azam”


It is safe to say Mawdudi/Maududi was never against a the formation of Pakistan, but only pointed out the weakness in the core of slogan of “A separate Muslim”. The ones struggling for a separate state; The Muslim League consisted of all sects of Muslims,  practicing or not, who were against British and Hindu rule. There were Ahmadis, Agha khanis, Feudals and Capitalists, Socialists and Communists at powerful positions in the league. He foresaw the future of Pakistan in the Hands of a ruling elite who had nothing to do with Islam. As you can see the Islamic system has yet to be implemented in the country.

Quaid e Azam Was called Kafir e Azam by Azhar Ali Mazhar of Majlis e Ehrar in his couplet “ Ik Kafira kay peechay Islam ko chora, Yeh Quaid-e-Azam hai kay Kafir-e-Azam”.  There is no proof of Maududi labeling Quaid as kafir.


سیّد مودودیؒ ۔ تصریحات ۔ اسلامی جمعیت طالبات کے وفد سے ملاقات ۔ 23 نومبر


Uth fareeda suttaya!

Uth fareeda suttaya tay jharoo day maseet
Tu sutta Rabb jaagda teri dhaday naal pareet


Awake sleeping Fareed, and clean the Masjid
You are sleeping and the Lord is awake, you have loved the Almighty

I asked a friend who offers Tahajjud quiet regularly, how he is able to maintain his tough routine and how he reached it initially, and his reply was very engaging: “When I wake in the last hours of the night, my eyes heavy with sleep, so much that I am afraid if I close them, deep slumber will overtake me in an instance. But then the fear of angering my Lord grips me and I quickly pour some water on my face. Gradually after, through my actions I find a kind of gratification, which no other thing in this world can give me. The performing of ablution is like purification of my soul, the serenity of the surrounding relaxes me, the world around you is breathing life into the inner-self , and the wailing in front of our Lord for His appeasement seems to make time itself stop. This is all worth a thousand sleeps missed for me”.

This contentment, satisfaction or of being at peace is a spiritual need present in everyone. It is produced in the heart without the help of any senses, as if it was an energy or force that was sent into our hearts by a foreign body, which is invisible to the eye. No amount of materialistic achievements can give a man this spiritual essence, even if he denies it, it is the one thing that makes him happy. Material gains on the contrary increase the restlessness of  a mindful person. For those who do not think much, there is bound to be a shocking revelation of the importance of that need at some point of life.

Scholars of the opposing view believe that the sense of contentment comes from the fulfillment of dogmatic religious principles, that the heart becomes satisfied from performing the rituals it has so powerfully preached to its followers, repeatedly made them fear the consequences in an imaginary world who nobody can prove exists. But they fail to realize that the challenge of conflicting views does not lie in theory, rather in practice. Experience is much more different than thought and the problems of the parallel emotional/spiritual world can not be solved with reasoning of mind.

Let me tell you what a child does if he is coerced into doing something. When he is asked to pickup the toys before going to sleep, he will most probably put up resistance of some kind at first but at seeing his parent not settling on otherwise, he will unwillingly do the chores. In his heart he will hate what he is doing or the one making him do it.  There will be no satisfaction in his heart at doing it. On the other hand, if the parent convinces him there is great reward for you which you are not able to see right now, he would be doing it a bit more willingly. Only a cognizance of greater good can instil peace in ones heart, and it is an out of body experience. This cognizance is termed as self control or Ma’refat in Sufi terms, Nirvana in Buddhism and Gnosis in Greek philosophy. This sense of discipline called mortification does not come easily, and Mort has to be gradually ingrained into the soul by constant strife and struggle.

There is so much coherence in all the religions and a subtle lesson for the ones who are willing to open there minds. The principal message of every religion sums up into the Creator teaching humanity though his messengers to practice mortification for a specific time period. After that the test will be set aside and the results will be declared. Traces of this message can be found in every religion. In ancient Greece, the Mediterranean temple in Delphi was a spiritual place; seat of the celebrated Pythias oracle. There is an inscription on the pediment, written in classical Greek, with the following precept.

” Know yourself and you will know the universe and you will know God, and you will become God”

In my view throughout human history, the Creator has sent in revelations to many prophets and apostles. The idea of self discipline was stirred again and again into the minds of most prized creation of this universe, when it deviated away from the right path of harmony. Self discipline leads to peace and harmony, but the people themselves prefer evolved beliefs. It is obvious that the material world needs evolving, while the spiritual world doesn’t. The material universe is destined to end, the spiritual is not. In all the religions,  rituals have been almost the same, especially in monotheistic religions. The rituals inspire enlightenment and self control.

Criticism on the Creator for not intervening in the calamities faced by the unfortunate is baseless. He has offered you to choose, He has promised to abstain from major intervention till a specific time in our reality. In the heavenly books He clearly mentions a time till when the universe is present as we know it is .

Mathew 24:36

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

The population is prone to evolving the teachings of the messengers over time. The oneness in the message from the creator does not imply that all the religions are equally acceptable to Him. There opened rifts between the followers of the same religion and there formed several sects. Marefat or self actualization has turned into a philosophy of wizardry and magic. Cross cultural globalized Sufi’s like Paulo Coelho have turned a God given manual into a man made pop cult. Asceticism is now termed as perfect self control which cannot attained by the ordinary. Over the time the Sufi’s attached extraordinary importance to certain Quranic doctrines, and developed them at the expense of others which many Muslims might consider equally essential. It became a love for all philosophy without any though given to preaching the principals of Islam. The Sufi movement was inspired by Christian ideals, or Rahibs as Quran has mentioned them, and contrasted sharply with the active and pleasure-loving spirit of Islam. In a sense of true liberalism, all creeds have been deemed acceptable in sufism. Every person has to choose a religion as the true and divine, an intelligent being would study all of them and then make his decision wisely.

As a Muslim, practice and training can be instilled by teachers in some, or parents, but for others it is Life itself who trains the lot In my experience, Death is the most extreme trainer.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Remember more often the destroyer of pleasures – death.”


This sense of duty comes from the remembrance of death. And the matter that you have to uphold your part of the bargain, because your Creator certainly does His, by blessing you with countless amenities of the fictional world. Death comes to all living and non living things. And it can be the greatest teacher of enlightenment. Once, I heard the Imam sahib of a Masjid asking us to pray the Funeral of a person after the Jummah. I was not of the local community and thought of leaving without praying because it is a Fard e Kifayah, meaning it is an obligation to be carried out by the relatives and community of the deceased and not by all of the Muslims. Suddenly I thought, why shouldn’t I offer , if I pray today, Allah will inspire somebody else to pray mine too.

Reported by Hadrat Aishah (r.a.)  who said: “The Prophet (saws) said,  ‘If a Muslim dies and his funeral prayer is attended by a group of a hundred Muslims, and they all sincerely pray for his forgiveness, he is forgiven’.”

Related  Ahmad, Muslim, and Tirmidhi.

Consider this Hadith, it is so comforting for the deceased’s family. Would one rather think the departed one has turned into worm food and fuel energy for the future generations or that the body was just a vehicle for the real you and it has a better destination according to his deeds? Just be selfless for others and selfish in seeking Allah’s mercy and Sawab. The ones who say you shouldn’t pray for the sake of Sawab are delusional, you should exactly pray and hope for rewards in return of your good deeds. We should worship Allah and follow Islam for the sake of Jannah as a reward and to avoid His retribution. One cannot be selfless in worshiping Allah, it is appeasing to Him if we seek his mercy, consider the following Hadith.

Narrated / Authority of: Abu Huraira
Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said: Allah has some angels who roam about the streets in search of people mentioning Allah’s Names. When they find such a gathering, they call one another saying: Come to the object of your pursuit. The Prophet (SAW) added: The angels surround them with their wings up to the lowest heaven (sky of the world). He further added: (When the people in the gathering disperse, the angels ascend to the heaven). Their Lord, who knows best about the people, asks them: What do my slaves say? The angels reply: They were glorifying You (by repeating the words “Allah is the All-Glorified”, exalting You (by repeating the words “Allah is All-Great”, praising You (by repeating the words “All praise be to Allah”), and dignifying You. He asks them: Have they seen Me? The angels reply: No, by Allah. 0 Lord! They haven’t seen You (at all). He asks: How would it be if they saw Me? The angels reply: If they saw You, they would worship You more devotedly, dignify You more fervently and exalt You more sincerely. Then Allah asks them: What do they ask Me? The angels reply: They ask You Paradise. He asks them: Have they seen it? The angels reply: No, by Allah, they have not seen it. He asks: How would it be, if they saw it? The angels reply: If they saw it, they would crave for it eagerly, seek after it vigorously and desire it ardently. He asks: From what do they seek My protection? The angels reply: (They seek your protection) from Hell. He asks: Have they seen it? The angels reply: No, by Allah, 0 Lord! They haven’t see it (at all). He asks: How would it be, if they saw it. The angels reply: If they saw it, they would fear it extremely and flee from it hastily. Then Allah says (to the angels): I make you witness that I have forgiven them. Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) added: One of the angels would say: 0 Lord! among them was so-and-so (a much sinning slave) who was not actually included in the gathering but he happened to came there for some need (and sat down with them). Allah would remark: Anyhow, they were all sitting together, so their companion will not be reduced to misery (i.e. they were sitting together and glorifying Allah, so he who sits with them will not suffer but get forgiveness as a reward for his association with the people remembering Allah). (This Hadith is sound and reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

What a beautiful Hadith. It inspires such love for the Almighty knowing that he loves us much more. It is in the nature of man to desire, it is just that we make our desire a spiritually high one. This life is worthless eventually,and wishing for what one does not need, is a losing deal because the accountability in the hereafter will be much more.

Nobody should be unprepared and believe that he/she will be forgiven by the Almighty. The other idea is extremely frightening. The notion that there is no God and one is all alone in this universe. Such a big universe for a minuscule scale creations seems purposeless, but how can this life be pointless. When one is pursuing a project, one keeps in view the results and rewards involved, then why cannot one imagine life as a project and heaven or hell as the reward? You have to strive for it, has not the Duniya taught you that already? Is there anything like a free meal?  Work hard for earning in this fictional place, and still I believe you have to work even harder for a place in the best accounts of the hereafter.

Farshi Turab Poem


Dust is my bed, embracing me, and is my cover
The sands are around me, engulfing me from all directions
And the tomb recounts [ the story of ] the darkness of my calamity
And the light has destined that my pleasure is in meeting [Allaah]

Where is the kindness of kin? They relinquished fidelity
Where are the scores of friends? They dispensed with my brotherhood
Where is the bliss of money? I left it behind
And where is the glory of fame and compliments?
That’s my end; dust is my bed

The beloved bade farewell to his love, and cried my elegy
The tears flow dried out, after crying
The vast universe shrank, narrowing my space
The tomb to my corpse became both my land and my sky
That’s my end; dust is my bed

Fear overwhelms my estrangement and sadness is my ailment
Hoping for steadfastness, which is – I swear – my remedy
Sincerely supplicating to the Lord; You are my hope
Hoping- O Allaah – for a paradise, in which my bliss shall be attained


Unemployment is the Scourge!

Usually, celebrations in this part of the world include a large number of traditional sweets (Mithai). There is bound to be large quantities of Mithai brought in by relatives and friends and from the best and famous makers on the special day. By the end of the function, there is a cache of overflowing Mithai, and it is a painstaking task to eat it or distribute it.  What happens when you find a week old Mithai in your fridge? Chances are you are not going to eat it, you are either going to give it away or if totally inedible, throw it away.

The government is doing the same thing with the labor force of this country. The labor Force is the Mithai of this country. Too many Colleges and private Universities are churning out a large number of graduates skilled in disciplines that are scarce in demand. They try to find Jobs as fresh graduates and find very few openings and are offered very low wages. Once they get a year or two old, the dilemma deepens and they are rejected by the Employers for lack of experience.  Just like the old mithai, they wait to be thrown out, or throw themselves away in a last ditch effort by illegally entering developed countries and working for pennies. Some even commit suicide as the numerous news reports have shown. A World Bank’s report said Pakistan has one of the fastest growing labor forces in the world with 1.2 million people being added every year. The report further said that over two million workers would be entering the labor force every year during the next 20 years.

The rural areas paint a bleaker picture, there is not much education and most of the youth are skilled in agricultural industry. As the population menace outruns and outsmarts our Government planners, the inherited cultivated land has decreased in size drastically. Efforts to increase irrigation and consequently cultivatable lands are zero. During the last 25 years, cultivable land on Pakistan has increased by 27 percent as compared to 98 percent increase in the population of Pakistan, which results the declining trend in the individual land holdings in Pakistan. Hence, the land is decreasing and population is increasing in exponential form in the rural areas. The land is trying to breast feed too many puppies with little food to eat herself. Overall, in the three decades between 1970-71 to 2002, the number of employed persons increased by only two times from 18.5 million to 38.3 million, whereas the number of unemployed increased by eight times from 0.4 million in 1970-71 to 3.3 million in 2002. These statistics are 13 years old but help us guess the present scenario, which is possibly that the bulk of able bodied youth in out country are doing nothing productive.

One might argue that the increase in fertilizer has increased the production of the land manifolds, or the advent of technological industry like the software industry has provided much more highly paid jobs in Urban areas. But proportionately, so has the demands of life. Every person now has a bike/car, fridge, motor for water, mobiles, air conditioning  and hence the cost of living has expanded enormously. Everyone wants a quality life or gets depressed if s/he is unable to get it. A huge waste of energy and purpose has infected our youth who are brimming with potential. They are in a loop without any hope of being debugged soon. The current unemployment rate in Pakistan stands at 6 % but it is provided by the Federal Bureau of Statistics, a dormant government organization which doesn’t even have a report on cost of living in Pakistan. The realistic unemployment rate would be much higher; at least three times that of the data given.

This is quiet an alarming state of affairs and there is an extraordinary and immediate need to take action. A few suggestion are mentioned below:

1) Overhaul the Pakistan unemployment eradication strategy. Glamorize and attract students towards technical education. It will serve two purposes, decrease unemployment and increase the quality of our technical services. The wages of technical services like machine operators, electronic appliances fixers and other type of technical labor used in telecommunication companies should be increased. The companies can and should pay them a handsome salary.

2) Special focus should be placed on the issue of making students aware of the scope of education they acquire prior to the stage where they make themselves fully engaged towards their desired field of study. Moreover an attempt should be made to uplift all the sectors simultaneously. An increment in GDP be made in line with those standards which directly results in increasing the investment prospects and productivity. This aspect is particularly important because some factors sometimes over express GDP (such as excessive foreign remittances); such type of increase in GDP is not necessarily accompanied by productivity and employment opportunities.

2) Send the extra labor force to countries who are underdeveloped and have a low labor force , like some countries in Africa, where Chinese investors are present but skilled labor is missing. As it is obvious that large proportion of labors holding skills are more likely to get job, training facilities should be made accessible within the reach of a common man also by making the establishment of training institutes a necessary part of development programs.

3) Overseas Employment Corporation OEC was established in 1976 by Govt. of Pakistan and is only employment promotion agency operating in public sector. Make an institute that helps the unemployed youth like the Unemployment Help Center in Canada or Federal Unemployment Agency of Germany or empower OEC to carryout these activities.

4) It appears that the most popular method to reduce unemployment in Europe nowadays is to reduce unemployment benefits, increase in work benefits, abolish the minimum wage and insist that those unemployed take a job, any job, at any price. After all, that’s what Germany has done in the Hartz Reforms and the German unemployment rate fell dramatically as a result of doing just that. We should follow the examples of other successful reforms and implement those policies after adjusting to our own economical needs.

Platforms should be promoted by conscious social workers of the society, where the unemployed labor gather and focus on putting their message across forums that serve as a bridge between the Government and the Public. I am sure there are numerous capable government servants, consultants, ministers who are paid highly and have the proper solution to these problems. The only missing ingredient is willpower and resolve. They need to be shook up and reminded of their responsibilities, either via public pressure or by continued communication from the unemployed youth. The demise of this nation is only on the rulers hands, ascending in amount from bottom to top, and none others. Don’t let the mithai go to waste, let its worth be tasted by all who appreciate talent.


“ Your thoughts are very broken”, Don’t you think” said the man.  I came to realize that he was right. Most people’s minds are like the conventional Military machinery. When posed with a question, they take a start, like a diesel generator( loud and slow) and then they complete the whole task keeping in view the objective of the question. The conventional mind is a rather blessing for their possessors. Another type of mind is the quick mind like those of the gorilla warfare. They are multitasking and holding a circle to spin around  where they constantly aim and strike repeatedly sometimes over shooting the mark.


There is a braking system in our natural ways, when every you are speaking, data is constantly being fetched from the corridors of your memory and mixed and arranged to send it through the mouth. Inertia of newton is really a valid rule because there is always motion going on until there is an obstruction in the way.


A 70 year old woman was found in the rubble after 4 days of devastation in an earthquake.  It is a clear example of a miracle of nature. But  maybe it is and was because man is not accustomed to sudden changes. For example if it would have been a younger victim, his or her system is powerful but needs more resources. Hence when it is cut off from the resources with a sudden jolt, he is unable to survive. On the other hand the old person are gradually accustomed to the internal  rough changes and they learn to survive with lesser resources.


We are a very trust oriented people and like to be secure from the start. Do you know a good dentist? I need to make an appointment for my tooth filling. Do you know a good place to eat? I need to take my friends for dinner. Yet most of the time we fail to realize that the actual determining variable of the experience are factors different for different people. For example: The dentist was strange looking, I will not go there again, The restaurant is too quiet, I like a more lively place. Well how can we make judgments about people who we haven’t met yet, for example short listing for a job interview?


Planning the Perfect Pakistani Bridal Dress

The day you see a luminous decorated doll-like bride sitting on the stage , you dream of the day when you yourself will be in that place. You always seem to approve or disapprove different settings in others weddings  especially the dress the Dulhan(Bride) was wearing, and you make subconscious checks in your mind of Do’s and Don’ts in your mind. You want to look hot and decent at the same time, the center of attention yet in a subconsciously subtle manner. The dress you wear depicts your whole personality and choice so one should be very careful in buying the dresses for his or her wardrobe. If you have an upcoming wedding to attend or it is your own lucky day, and you want to make a dress that you like, you should follow a few simple rules.

  • The best way is to visit the boutiques at least a month before as there is a fat chance you will not like the ready-made stuff there, the boutiques  offer every type of dresses from traditional to the modern and from simple to stylish.
  • Visit the boutiques at least 1.5 months before the event. It usually takes a month to complete a heavily embellished  bridal dress.
  • Carefully choose all the colors and take advice from the experts. Ask for cuttings from the vendor of the chosen color. It is better to choose a color combination from the samples.
  • Start from Pkr 50000 /- ($ 500 ) for a an average Bridal Dress. Adding more money will make the dress more exquisite, there is simply no limit for perfection.
  • The pictures you see models in are the result of careful precision photography and lighting. When the dress will be ready it is not going to look exactly as in the picture. Yes on the stage and in your wedding album, it is going to dazzle.
  • See the recent collection of all the fashion designers of Pakistan. Almost every fashion designer arranges a complete event for introducing his or her new collection. You may find the advertisements of these events on news papers or fashion channels.These events give an overview of the fresh collection of every dress designer so that you may select any of the boutiques easily

And finally, visit the market thoroughly. Just take your friend and go out to do window shopping, you will not believe your luck when you find a dress that fits your  imagination and your purse also. This enables you to know about the latest trends, color combinations and styles that are in the fashion. Nowadays, people prefer Maxis, Gowns Long shirts with Lehngas and Shararas, but a recent shift towards Short Shirts has been seen also. If you are in Lahore, the boutiques are at Liberty Market, Auriga , City Tower and for the more traditional designs at Rang Mehel and Sarafa Bazar inside the walled city. You can find the location of Bridal Markets in other cities online. In short, plan ahead, keep calm and pray for a wonderful event, I am sure you are going to have a blast.



How to get you degrees verified from BISE HEC and MOFA Lahore

The notion of applying abroad gives jitters to anybody. the idea of documentation and the long bureaucratic procedure one has in mind worries even the most strong of the students. If you thought that the process is time taking, complex and costly, than you are in for a surprise, because you are wrong. The process is Very time taking complex and costly. Here is a simple layout plan for your project based on my experience.


Get an online degree verification form from the website or board office of your relevant city. For example, if you are from Lahore you will need to get this form Also you can get your form the board R&D section for 50 Rs. If your form is downloaded then you’ll have to pay the 50 in addition to the 500 you pay to the fees for attestation per degree. After  filling in the form and attaching the required documents, mentioned on the form you submit the fees at the bank and resubmit the completed form at the R&D section. You will get the attested copies by mail in a matter of 10 days. Take the copies to the IBCC office (situated in the same building) and obtain a form and a challan form there. Then attach them to the form and the fees of 300 per form and resubmit with your original degrees the office. The degrees will be verified with a stamp and sign within 2 to 3 days. Congrats, you have completed stage one, but you are just getting started.

BISE Lahore location


After you have completed this procedure you need to make a choice between two very hard options. Currently there is no chairman of HEC so there are many bottlenecks in the whole process. There are two centers of HEC one in Lahore and one in Islamabad. Keep in mind these steps and do not steer away from this course otherwise your loss. Remember these steps are for attestation only, other processes like equivalence does not require queuing.


-Wakeup at 4 in the morning.
-Proceed to the HEC office asap and enter your name on a makeshift name list.
-There are only 40 tokens handed out each day so if you do not reach in time and enter your name in the list, you wont get your work done.
-Keep your number in the line in check because there is a good chance some late people will try to enter out of order.
-Once you are in, you will have to fill and print an online form in their “Lab”, so it is good to get a feeler online before you go at The lab assistant is a real pervert and doesn’t listen to you unless you got a nice rack on you so better help yourself ( I am sure you already do  ;-))
-Go back to an attached office in the same building and assemble your documents to be verified in chronological order and submit them with the printed form into the kiosk closer to the door.
-Take the signed challan form from the kiosk and submit the fee ( Pkr 800 /- per original document page and 400 per copy page) at HBL Gurumangat Road located nearby.
– Bring back the receipt and submit the form with documents to the second kiosk and you will be given a number.
-After two days you have to collect them back between 2:30 to 3:30.


-Do not call HEC, they don’t bother picking so don’t waste your time.
-Do not send your documents via OCS, its take 40 days and is expensive. Who is going to wait 40 days?
-Do not wake up later than 4 am.

#HEC Lahore office location


The third part in our arduous journey happens to be the Ministry of foreign affairs. It has a sub office on the canal before jail road underpass.  I do not know of all the procedures but you better keep 2 copies of each and every document with you. It is a congested building with only one copy-house on the corner of ground floor. Go to the first floor and as soon as you climb the last stair, there is a line in-front and a clerk sitting on a table handling the line. Give him the documents which need to be attested. He will charge you for tickets and paste the tickets accordingly onto your copies or original documents. Then on the left side there are two columns one for males and one for females. it is a long queue so make sure you have ample drinking water with you(and body spray). Eventually when you reach the desk, hand over all the documents needed to be attested and the clerk will give you a receipt. Take it and come back between 2 pm to 3 pm where you collect your attested documents. Viola, as simple as that!!MOFA Lahore office location

Hope I helped in some way.



Baby Boys.. No longer preferred in West

It may come as a surprise to those living in Indian subcontinent that baby boys are no longer preferred sex in North America and Europe and even in Korea.Parents and couples are more happy at the arrival of a baby girl than baby boy.If the second borne child is also a baby boy then parents may receive sympathy messages and negative remarks from relatives and friends.So much so that counselors and writers on family matters are now advising people not to make nasty remarks in front of mother or elder son. Search in google for ” 8 things you should never say to a mom”

I am taking quoting a paragraph from above article——-

“You must really want a girl.” Moms of boys hear this question all the time. Amy Williams, a mom of two boys and founder of BoyMom Designs, says the second she was pregnant with her second child and announced she was having another son, the responses also included, “I’m so sorry!” and “Oh no! Two boys!” Sometimes people would make these comments in front of her other son. “It was awful and so negative,” says Williams. “It hasn’t been an ‘oh-no’ experience. It’s been a blast.” Her advice is to focus on the fact that a woman is having a baby, which is wonderful on its own. She wishes her friends would have said, “Congratulations, two boys!” or simply, “You’re having a baby…that’s terrific.” Above para is really disheartning and particularly the lines ” “You must really want a girl.” Moms of boys hear this question all the time. One should welcome what god has given us without questioning and without considering gender of the child.It may hurt boys as bad as it may hurt young girls in Asia. ____________________________________________________________

—– Proof that Boys are not wanted in USA and Europe Why do a majority of the US prefer girls? Gender Requested by Adoptive Parents in the US 70-90% Girls 10-30% Boys Gender Requested by U.S. Parents Using MicroSort ( Preconception sex selection technique -reliable ) 80% Girls 20% Boys Gender Requested by U.S. Parents Using the Ericsson Method (Preconception sex selection technique -reliable) Twice as many girls as boys _________________________________________________

Why do more parents want to have girls than boys? Mickey Kaus seems incredulous that parents who use baby sex selection services usually prefer girls. He quotes this passage from an article in Elle: Seventy-one percent of American families who use MicroSort—which is sex selection method :’—want a daughter. … “The era of wanting a first-born male is gone, not to return,” founder Ronald Ericsson, MD, has said. What’s behind the modern-day girl fetish? One explanation: Women envision a brighter future for their daughters than they do for their sons. Boys are practically the underdogs these days, having fallen behind girls on nearly every measure of academic achievement, from college attendance to high school graduation rates. … Americans, unlike much of the Eastern world, do not prefer boys. Of the first 111 Microsort attempts, 83 were for females and 28 were for males. True, the process began as a way to select for girls, and true, because it is better at selecting girls it is more likely to attract couples who want them. But there is something else going on as well, something Shettles and Ericsson learned a long time ago. Of course, the parents’ preferences aren’t just objective calculations about the costs and benefits of being born a girl or a boy. As the Elle and NYT articles point out, a mother might want to have a daughter because she imagines they’d have a stronger relationship or because this conforms to her dream of how her life will end up. But if the parents are thinking about costs and benefits, they might want to have a girl — who’s less likely to be laid off in a recession, go to prison, or fight in a war, and more likely to grow up to earn a bachelor’s degree, make more money (at least if she lives in a big city), and live longer.

Article on: