“The arrivals” review

I have a friend who has a unique appetite for discussing very boring things to most people. i.e Philosophy and the strange thing is that i love to discuss philosophy as well. Well, to be honest, i find it the most amusing thing on earth. It is comic and entertaining as hell. The reason being we learn from our own experiences and rationally define the design of this life which is most of the time so unclear.

Courtesy http://phase3.technocrazed.com/

So he started with the question, “Why do you think Hitler killed all those Jews?” n I replied, ” From what i have read, in “mein kemph”‘s urdu translation, it is said that the Jewish community was very powerful in pre-nazi Germany, and Hitler got through life with a general dis consent towards them like most of the Germans. So he said” He just killed all of them in revenge?” and i replied”  I think so”. But he was not satisfied. But one thing he said, was recomend me to watch The Arrivals, a documentary made by two muslims about the coming of the antichrist. So i watched it and had an instant re-thought process.

– There was no reason to kill so many of the jewish community on such unstable grounds

-The nazi war technology was highly advanced and even the scientists who made the A-bomb were from Germany. The Allied won the war with sheer numbers and will-power.

-A bigger and more planned reason was behind the WWII and Hitler was just a part of it.

So to say, that this simple documentary made by two young individuals by compiling media clips and programs to send a message was strong enough to affect my thinking. No jumping to conclusions, but it does help in crafting many hidden doubts in all of our heads into profound ideas. It also encourages us to become better persons in this world. A must watch to all those are finding some reality in this falseness.



I was sitting in the class and one group of students, working on a particular project, suddenly went berserk. they were acting kind of mysterious at first, and it was no secret that there was some tension in the air . Well it was a matter of time when they came back and confronted another group. There was not much harsh exchange of arguments because it was a professional atmosphere and of course, we have been together for so long simply! But what i though or perceived was that there is a very thin line between plagiarism and originality. The differential point is

1. Reference

2. Creativity

3. Total control

First of all if one gives reference of what it is using, even in his/her own words, then it is considered help and not an act of theft.

Secondly, there should be creativity and common sense in taking credit for someone else’s work as yours. Mix it, add something, decrease some stuff. Or atleast change the sequence.

And finally, even if you are using it in the best of interests, with the ultimate objective of changing it or using it to make your own original work, you have to be highly alert and in control of information. If there is some kind of leak, or innocent mistake, it can tarnish even the most puristic images.



Lahore internet cafe and juice shop blasts, fighting social evils?

I doubt the ones carrying out such type of attacks have ever used their mind. I think it is the most powerful weapon a man can have as the viceroy of Allah. I mean, come on, terrorizing innocent humans so as to eliminate a bigger social evil of pornography and pre- marriage relationships?? Give me a break, think around these ways.

If you have money to attain explosives and train people to carry out attacks, why not use it in a better way of fighting social evil? It is a simpler and a more violence free way. Here is how it works;

First of all, identify the reasons the youth are inclined towards pornography and pre marriage relations. A little talking and research can identify the main reasons;

  • The youth do not have an outlet where they can utilize their free time in productive ventures.
  • The youth do not have Jobs up till a very late age which often comes out to be 27-33 at times.
  • There is a false trend of people marrying their children at very late ages.

All of these reasons build up and stress the youth psychologically and sexually. They find hideouts from this mental tension in the shape of watching pornography or persueing illegimitate relationships.

A better way to cater for these discrepencies would be to provide jobs for the youth or outlets where they can perform and use their time in a better and prodctive way. Any organization who has the idea of preserving the values of Islam and Pakistan should try to voice their opions peacefully so that the government can react, and also be practical in a nonviolent way in their capacity for the betterment of the youth. Examples would be like building a recreation center or a free career consultancy service.  Bomb blasts and target killings are simply not the right approach.


Sharing Some Experiences

I remember when I had my first official interview, It was raining cats and dogs, I was driving a Mehran n reached the office in the afternoon.  It was a house turned into an office, there i first met a person who has been an influence in my life. He was my boss for the next 8 months I worked there. He  projects this image of being a fanatic patriot with the idea of setting out to correct the world or at least this county. The interview with him was more like a chit chat on what I like but he offered to test me for a few days and if I turn out to be working well he would hire me. Afterwards, I wrote a few articles for him and he liked it very much. Eventually, I grew tired of his attitude and left the job. Nevertheless, I learned from this experience, that to be a manager you have to consider a few things;




I can not recall a single moment when i benefited from this business relationship. Only mental stress and no appreciation was the reward.

C you Later for now.
