Fireworks and Aerial firing on New Year ( A letter sent to Dawn on 01/01/2019 – not published )

It seems that we will never make an effort to step into the civilized nations list by our own. Every violent act is adorned by our youth but only in the confines of security and when their is no peril to their own selves. We have a developed a culture of aerial firing and fireworks ingrained since a very long time at the cost of precious lives being lost.

It does not mean that anyone may resort to barbarian celebrations in residential areas. It is extremely disappointing to see the news of Indian shelling in Athmuqam area of Kashmir where people were hurt and properties were destroyed, yet our youth in major cities like Lahore and Karachi were busy firing in the air and exploding fireworks all night long in a culturally borrowed event. Its a pity that this is done only when they know there is no apparent repercussion of their act, while real soldiers and policemen lay their lives everyday in the field. Old people, scared kids, and sick patients all suffered from the unwanted noise which started on new years night at 12: 00 AM and continued till dawn.

To all the gun totting youth on roofs of their homes; we get it, you have arms, and you are happy that you have survived a year with those dim wits, but please do respect the privacy and comfort of your hard working neighbors. And to their parents: You should be in jail for not controlling your children in such events.

A humble request to the ambitious current government, please take some solid action against such useless celebrations and confine such acts in specified publicly monitored areas.

M. Rehan.