Coursera Financial Aid Application (Successful)

As a part of my Job, I frequently interact with Chinese businesses and state entities. I have realized that having a basic understanding of Chinese may tremendously improve connection development, even though I mostly talk in English to assure understanding.

Due to the prominence of Chinese businesses across a wide range of industries, China has a huge impact on the global business scenario. I can overcome the linguistic and cultural gaps that frequently appear while interacting with my Chinese peers by becoming more comfortable with the fundamentals of Chinese. Stronger business connections may result from using a proactive approach that exhibits respect, a desire to connect, and an interest in the other person’s culture.

I may show respect, and create stronger connections by learning their language. Additionally, it helps me better negotiate, understand cultural quirks, and demonstrate my adaptability. Aside from improving my daily relationships, investing in this language proficiency creates new possibilities for my career success.

I know how important sound money management is since I provide for a family of three. It is a noble objective to look for financial aid to enroll in a course that can improve my career prospects. I hope with all my sincerity that will be considered to get the required funding.